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lingWAVES Voice Protocol - Gallery

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lingWAVES Recording Hardware

All lingWAVES suites come with standardized USB connected recording hardware. Our sound level meter-microphone is on-device-calibrated and with distance holder. All recordings are made under same conditions even if you use different computers and/or locations.

Don't worry about calibration and recording hardware.

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Voice Protocol

One of the most used voice assessment procedure worldwide. 4-steps to get a comprehensive and objective voice documentation within 10 minutes. Based on international protocols for voice assessment.

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Step 1 - s/z ratio, MPT (Maximum
Phonation Time)

3 minutes for step 1: Record and label s, z for s/z-ratio and MPT and get instant results compared with norm data and displayed on a time line with other client session

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Step 2: Voice Quality and F0-Pitch Analysis

2 minutes for step 2: Record and label a 3 seconds sustained vowel for voice quality analysis and perform a glide from your lowest to highest pitch for pitch range.

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Step 3: Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI)

1 minute for step 3: All you need now for a DSI calculation is the client’s minimum loudness. Highest Frequency, MPT and Jitter are already measured before. Record a sustained vowel [a:] from normal to lowest loudness. The display shows a time line (pre-post) for measured data.

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Step 4: Spoken Text Analysis

3 minutes for step 4: Record a standard text (Rainbow Passage) which is shown on the screen during recording of your client. Pitch and loudness data are displayed instantly after reading completion.

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Step 4+ extra Benefit: Real Time Pitch and Loudness

Real time display: F0-Pitch and loudness (SPL) for objective measurement in your own preferred assessments or for visual biofeedback in treatment sessions such as Parkinsons client biofeedback. It provides a visual biofeedback of loudness and pitch characteristics of a patient’s voice / speech and can also display a target loudness level to enhance a patient’s self-perception and motivation.
