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lingWAVES Acoustic Module Overview 

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Client Manager and Standardized Hardware

All lingWAVES suites come with standardized recording hardware. Central part of lingWAVES acoustic is the client manager based on a database for automatic session management. Here you can start new sessions or open existing ones. This technology allows a comfortable pre-post comparison for patients sessions and documentation.

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Voice Protocol

One of the most used voice assessment procedure worldwide. 4-steps to get a comprehensive and objective voice documentation within 10 minutes. Aerodynamic, voice quantity and quality, dysphonia severity index (DSI), text reading and a pitch/loudness biofeedback tool (often used for Parkinson patients and others)

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Voice Range Profile / Phonetogram

Voice Diagnostic Center is a extended standard procedure for voice range profile assessment for singing / speaking voice and DSI-Vospector with trend / pre-post display. Based on international norms it is one of the most used ENT/Otolaryngology/SLP voice assessment tools and also used in dozens of clinical studies.

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TheraVox Voice Biofeedback

A lovely and helpful tool for different voice biofeedbacks, for kids and adults. There are 6 different exercise groups available: Voiced/Voiceless, Loudness, Pitch/F0, Articulation, Voice Onset and Co-articulation

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lingWAVES Nasality is a new high technology module within the lingWAVES voice and speech system for professional users. It is non-invasive and measures and gives feedback about the presence of nasality in speech production. It measures the degree of velopharyngeal opening during voiced speech - also known as nasalance.

Get detailed information about lingWAVES Nasality ...

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Electroglottography allows for laryngographic assessment of phonatory function during connected speech, soft and loud singing. It gives qualitative and quantitative information about the contact, separation and open phase of vocal fold vibration and is therefore of great use in the interpretation of pathological conditions and follow-ups after surgical treatment or conservative voice therapy. It has proved particularly useful in assessment and documentation of organic voice disorders.

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Motor Speech Disorder Assessment (MSDA)

Motor Speech Disorders are known as dysarthria or apraxia. lingWAVES MSDA provides an automatic assessment of the diadochokinetic rate (DDK) and other useful articulation features with trend analysis.

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Voice Recording and Analysis

Record and compare you patients voice at different sessions. Add acoustic analysis like spectrogram, jitter, shimmer, FFT, AMDF, ...

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Vocal Load Test

The lingWAVES vocal load test controls vocal load and endurance of the speaking voice. This test gives important and reliable information about voice constitution. It combines a real-time quantitative (loudness, pitch) and qualitative (breathiness, roughness) voice tracking.

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Voice Handicap Index (VHI)

The Voice Handicap Index / Voice Disorder Index (VHI/VDI) or Stimmstörungsindex (SSI) has been established in worldwide as a reliable tool for describing voice-dependent quality of life. The sole purpose of the index is to provide some preliminary information regarding the severity of voice problem as it relates to the most common activities in daily life. lingWAVES offers a VHI-12 form with an automatic result and trend analysis

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Goettingen Hoarseness Diagram (GHD)

Voice pathologies require a multidimensional diagnostics. Hoarseness as a common symptom of dysphonia contains the parameters of breathiness and roughness. Acoustic analysis of the voice by means of the well evaluated Goettingen Hoarseness Diagram (GHD) is commonly used and enables to quantitatively describe the periodicity (roughness) and the noise content (breathiness) of voices.